2024 Student Issue Report (Coming Soon)
Our 27-Page 2023 Student Issue Report
In the fall term of 2022, our Student Life Committee led by former Chief of Staff Kiara Ortiz ‘24 and former Student Body President David Millman ‘23, distributed a Student Issue Survey to the entire student body, which contained questions on dining, residential life, safety, wellness, transportation, and technology. The survey opened at 11AM on November 7th, 2022, and closed on November 18th, 2022 at 12 PM! The incentive structure was such that every respondent was guaranteed a $5 Amazon gift card for completion.
Over 1,331 students completed the survey. 29% of respondents were ‘26s, 22% were ‘25s, 23% were ‘24s, 22% were ‘23s, and 4% were ‘22s. This breakdown leads us to believe this is a statistically significant and representative read of current campus sentiments.
We have attached our full 27-page report, which contains the raw data, main qualitative and quantitative findings, and trends from all survey responses. This report has been distributed to President Hanlon, members of the senior administration, the Board of Trustees, and other offices and stakeholders on campus to support our advocacy efforts.
While both David and Kiara were involved with the survey and report, many DSG members contributed to the design, release, and draft process of both the report and data. We would like to particularly highlight JJ Dega ‘26 and Jack Wisdom ‘26 for primarily designing the questionnaire, and Alex Lawson ‘23 and Sabik Jawad ‘26 for their contributions to the report.
If you have any questions about the report, our work, or would like to make any suggestions about issue items we should consider in our advocacy, please do not hesitate to reach out! We hope you enjoy reading the report attached below, and available on our website here.
All the best,
Student Life Committee Co-Chairs
former President David Millman ‘23 and former Chief of Staff Kiara Ortiz ‘24